Monday 26 May 2008

Fundraising Can Be Sweet In Tough Times

Contrary to popular belief - giving can often times increase greatly in tougher economic times! If you have been holding off on planning a major fund raising activity because you are scared that people may not give as much you would be sadly mistaken.

People often are much more sensitive to the needs of others when they themselves feel a bit of a crunch financially. With ever raising gas prices and other cost seemly soaring out of control many people are in the giving mood.

The key to being successful with raising funds in tough economic times is to recognize that people are looking for ways to feel better. They want to make sure that they have some identity to the needs and will gladly give in anticipation of finding some joy in their gift.

People also love to feed themselves in tough times and a candy bar fund raiser will do very well meeting this need. It is not much to spend a buck or two on a candy bar and they can feed themselves and help a cause at the same time. This creates a win-win situation for all involved.

So, think FOOD, and this will help you succeed in these times when prices are going through the roof. Keep the items low in cost. Try a price point of $1 to $3 dollars - this should be your limit for an item. Anything chocolate or sweet will be your best bet. Combine this with a worthy cause and you will be off to a successful fundraising event.

For more information on fundraising events and projects for your organization try visiting, a website that specializes in providing helpful tips, advice and fundraising resources to include Fund Raising and more.

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